Working at Avilda
We have been developing software for logistics processes for 30 years. Our experience has led us to develop very efficient working methods. In order to create high-quality products, we always listen to our customer's needs and market trends. Therefore, we want to recruit talented people who are willing to give their best for the company's growth.
At Avilda, our workers have responsibilities and we always expect the best results. Anyone, regardless of their position, can share their ideas and opinions.

We believe in reliability as the pillar of any relationship. Therefore, our daily routine
is based on the mutual exchange of trust between the company and collaborators. Also, we value face-to-face relationships, so we always strive to celebrate together.
We work individually and in groups. Our goal is for employees to reach their maximum potential to bring the best results. Therefore, we always focus on efficiency.
If you want to be part of our team, check out the open positions.
© Avilda LLC 2023, all rights reserved.
Company Code: 133881262 | VAT Code: LT338812610 | Address: Veiverių str. 150, LT-46391, Kaunas, Lithuania